
Please see our News Coverage page for more information on when we have been in the news

AGM 2024 19 Mar 2024

The 2024 AGM will be on Sunday 12 May 2024 at the depot starting at midday. Please all attend if you can. Further details will be distributed soon by email.

Membership update 19 Mar 2024

Can all existing members please fill out the membership update form here. If you need advice on how to fill out the form have a look here.

If you are a new member the new member's form is here.

Otter Hole Film 15 Oct 2023

Paul Taylor and his film crew have produced an award winning film about Otter Hole. These are available for £15 per copy. From each sale £2.50 is being donated to GCRG. Postage and packaging in the UK is £3, outside the UK would be at cost and advised when the order is placed. Orders can be placed by emailing For more details see our Fundraising page

Digital control session 08 Aug 2023

Last night Keith and Sue from SMWCRT visited GCRG to talk to the wardens and committee about the digital control system that their team uses. Working with other teams is a key part of what we do so understanding their working practices is very important and it certainly has given the wardens and committee a lot to think about. There are many ways that we could further modernise the way we operate so it is very helpful to see what other teams are doing in this space. Thanks again to Keith and Sue for a thought provoking evening.

Grand Auction success 27 Jul 2023

I think its fair to say that the GCRG Grand Auction and Sale was without any shadow of a doubt an excellent event that is fast closing on a figure of £4000.00 being raised and split between GCRG and MCRO along with a donation of £200.00 also being made to the BCRC through the donations for the tackle sacks. There are still a few left so if you would like one please get in touch.

None of this would have been possible without all of the donations that came in from many people, a lot of hard work sorting out all of these items into auction lots, sales and offers and of course all of the people who worked on the Friday and Saturday getting everything ready.

But of course the main people to thank are all of the people who came and purchsed the items. Without you none of it would have been worthwhile and we would still have a massive pile of items left over. It was just great so see people wandering around with arms full of items.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.

Thanks also to Charlotte Maisey for her fantastic cake stall. With your support she raised almost £140.00 to go towards her trip to Ghana in 2024. She was assisted by Issy Haynes who is going on the trip as well and the funds are being split between them. They were certainly some very nice cakes.

Thanks to Sally Harvey who stepped in at the last minute to run the BBQ. Again the BBQ was well received and the food was excellent.

Another big thanks must go to Joe, our auctioneer, who had a really great time encouaging everyone to part with their money. Not the easiest of jobs when the rain was pellting down off the steel roof. I know from chatting to him afterwards he really enjoyed himself.

I could not end without saying a big thanks to Liz Maisey (GCRG Treasurer) and Jo Clarke who had the job of cordinating all of the payments. At times when I looked down from the drying room roof it was like bees around a honey pot with masses of activity. You both worked very hard.

Yes we have some items left over. That was always going to be the case. However, we are planning to take all of the caving Related items to the Hidden Earth conference and make it available and any funds raised is to go to the Gara Parua Foundation.

We also plan to advertise some of the major items on eBay and social media so we hope that this will help boost the figures. If you know anyone who is looking for a 2.5KVA twin voltage generator or an electric compressor then please ask them to get in touch with me as we would really like to move them on.

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