
Ways to raise/donate money for us
Otter Hole Film
Paul Taylor and his film crew have produced an award winning film about Otter Hole. These are available for £15 per copy. From each sale £2.50 is being donated to GCRG. Postage and packaging in the UK is £3, outside the UK would be at cost and advised when the order is placed. Orders can be placed by emailing
The stalagmite and stalactite formations in Otter Hole Cave are absolutely stunning and have enthralled the cavers who have visited the site since it was discoverd in 1970. Although it has always been known that parts of the cave flooded when the River Wye rose due to the incoming tide, very few people have ever witnessed the results first hand.
Spending 2500 man hours over 8 years, undertaking 36 trips into the cave, Paul Taylor and his film crew take you on a journey both above and below ground to reveal the secrets of this unique cave and show what acutally happens.
GCRG have the ability for you to donate via Paypal
Please use it!
GCRG use Easy Fundraising to help raise funds. If you wish to sign up and help GCRG, please follow the steps below:
What do you have to do?
- Go to the website Easy Fundraising
- Click on 'Find a cause' and select the cause you wish to support (just search for "Cave Rescue" and you'll find GCRG).
- Fill out the quick form to register your details.
- Find the retailer you want to shop with.
- Click to visit the retailer, then shop as you normally would.
- Your donation will be shown in your easyfundraising account within 30 days.
Also, once you've signed yourself up to the scheme you can see how much money has been raised for the group and by who.
Every year, GCRG Officers, Committee Members and Reps clock up huge amounts of mileage on GCRG business. Under HMRC rules, they are allowed to claim expenses on this mileage from the Group at a rate of 45p / mile. However, if they kindly choose to donate these expenses back to the Group, Gift Aid can be claimed on the donation. During the year, records are kept of all mileage driven and this is entered into the Gift Aid system by our Treasurer.
Additionally, any donations to GCRG are eligible for Gift Aid if you so choose.